Copyright Statement

All designs presented on this website ( domain), in the Projects section in particular, are the property of Mirek Struzik and are protected by Polish and international copyright laws. No party or individual can copy, modify, publish, transmit or distribute the contents of this website and designs presented on it without the written permission of the artist, only author of the designs presented herein, Mirek Struzik (copyright holder).

The photographs and videos contained on site under the domain, are the property of Mirek Struzik, and are protected by Polish and International copyright laws. No parties/individuals visiting or viewing photographs from may otherwise copy, modify, publish, transmit, or distribute the contents of the photographs or videos found herein. Express written permission must be granted, on behalf of the Mirek Struzik (copyright holder), in order to use these materials for any purpose.

Those who wish to use a photography or video found on this site in any purpose must receive written consent from me, Mirek Struzik, prior to its commercial use. To obtain consent, interested parties should send an e-mail to In that e-mail the following should be addressed:

Any commercial use of my photographs or videos without prior written consent is a violation of Polish and international copyright law.

The photos and videos of the designs as presented are only demonstrative in nature and are not intended to be used in a formal business offer.
The dimensions of the sculpture should be treated only as tentative. The given dimensions of the sculptures as included on the website are for information purposes only and do not constitute a a formal offer.